Indian music historically spans over two thousand years. After all these years in the making, they do occupy a special place in the hearts of all. In Shakespearean terms, there is no question that music is the food of love. Indeed, music is magical. It has a universal appeal that transcends all boundaries or barriers.

The 2000-year-old Sanskrit text Natyasshastra describes five systems of taxonomy or classification of musical instruments. One such system in turn projects four primary sources of vibrations namely: strings, membranes, cymbals and air. It was later determined that they are comparable to the Western theory of organology. We firmly believe that our system of singing and music has a divine origin. Goddess of learning Mother Sarasvati has blessed this nation with this extraordinary flair and talent where music and vocalizing are concerned. It is said that nothing expresses the Inexpressible (God) more than music. No wonder music occupies such an integral part in the hearts of the Indian people.

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