Fasting is an integral part of our cultural both from both health and spiritual standpoint. As everyone knows, fasting detoxes the body as well help to control many diseases such as diabetes, cardiological, cancer and other forms of degenerative ailments.   It also facilitates mind control by developing certain key elements. By resting or suppressing […]


The Indian culinary culture forms an integral part of the country’s reputation which has today grown in popularity throughout the world over. There are many critical factors responsible for India’s finger-licking dishes. It can be overwhelmingly attributed to the extensive or liberal usage of aromatic herbs and spices. Perhaps that’s what haunted Columbus to undertake […]


The concept of arranged marriages in India traces its origin to the early Vedic times. For royal families, a ceremony known as the swayambar would be arranged for the bride. Suitable suitors from all over the kingdom were invited to either compete in some competition to win-over the bride. The custom was that the bride […]


Joint family was prevalent in the Indian society. Its where an entire family lives together, inclusive of one’s parents, wife, children and other extended family members. However, today it is slowly drifting into a more nuclear type. The merit with joint family is that it provides cohesiveness and overall warmth which typically runs through the […]


This is one of India’s gifts to the world—our popular method or custom of greeting. The picture above depicts the paraphernalia of so doing. The gesture involves folded-hands and a beaming smile done with heartfelt love for one’s fellow humankind. It may even be followed with an embrace but never a kiss, which is publicly […]