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Here is a word that had made great headlines in the world which has also taken birth in India.

The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning to attach, join, harness or yoke. In the context of yoga sutras, the word yoga means union. In its purest spiritual sense then, yoga finds fulfillment in the words Patanjali who stated: ‘Its chief aim is to unite the human spirit with Divine spirit.’ Put differently, it’s the method employed by which an individual can effect union with the Supreme Being. 

This represents the higher purpose of yoga which is foreign to the Western world. But not so in the lives of its inventors as alluded to above. The only form of yoga we are conversant with is hatha yoga which deals with the art and dexterity involving a variety of asanas or postures and breathing exercises.

As alluded to above, hatha yoga is widely embraced by millions of ardent practitioners globally. It is a medically acclaimed fact that it is beneficial to one’s physical wellness, stress relief and relaxation. Candidly speaking, hatha yoga does not only promote physical and mental wellbeing, but also longevity and mens sana in corpore sano—a sound mind in a sound and healthy body.

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