Indian music historically spans over two thousand years. After all these years in the making, they do occupy a special place in the hearts of all. In Shakespearean terms, there is no question that music is the food of love. Indeed, music is magical. It has a universal appeal that transcends all boundaries or barriers. […]

There is no doubt that Hollywood is entertainment capital of the world. But as it is to America, so is Bollywood to India. In 1896 when the Lumière brothers first showcased the art of cinematography in Mumbai, no one knew at the time that Bollywood will surpass Hollywood in the number of films it produces […]

Indian epics have definitely shaped the customs and cultural heritage of India. These literatures or great epics were written in the form of poems, plays and stories. They are considered our self-help manuals or guides on how to conduct our lives. The most famous Hindu classics are the Ramayana and Mahabharata, which is touted the […]

India is home to an alarmingly number of festivals and cultural events occurring nonstop yearlong. That is due to the prevailing diverse religions and ethos makeup of its people. Here is a partial sampling only: the Muslims celebrate Eid; Christians, Christmas and good Friday; Sikhs, Baisakhi (harvesting of crop) and Gurus birthdays; Hindus, Diwali, Holi; […]

Indian women accouterments or garbs are traditionally saris. A sari is an unstitched single piece of cloth that is graciously draped around the body. It could range from simple cotton to very rich and elegant silk materials. A sari makes for an easy and comfortable wear which also adheres to religious conformity. It initially started […]

Indian architecture encompasses multitude of expressions over the long span of history; and which is something that is still evolving. There is always room for new and absorbing ideas of doing things. A testimony to that is evident in the Indus Valley Civilization going back ever since 2600 – 1900 BC. There they were for […]

Fasting is an integral part of our cultural both from both health and spiritual standpoint. As everyone knows, fasting detoxes the body as well help to control many diseases such as diabetes, cardiological, cancer and other forms of degenerative ailments. It also facilitates mind control by developing certain key elements. By resting or suppressing […]

The Indian culinary culture forms an integral part of the country’s reputation which has today grown in popularity throughout the world over. There are many critical factors responsible for India’s finger-licking dishes. It can be overwhelmingly attributed to the extensive or liberal usage of aromatic herbs and spices. Perhaps that’s what haunted Columbus to undertake […]

Comprised of twenty-eight states and seven territories, India has more than twenty-two recognized languages with over four different hundred dialects. Hence, there exists the need to have a common official language to make communication possible. The nod was given to Hindi, although English has received much prominence too. However, among these languages, Sanskrit deserves special […]

It is just so hard to separate religion from culture as they overlap that much with each other. You simply cannot divorce one from the other. One must also take into consideration that India is not only a land of many cultures but religions also. For instance, it is the birthplace of both Hinduism and […]